

Each week there is a Weekly Round-Up where students report on what has been happening in class the previous week. For that writing task, students will be responsible for re-crafting and editing their work independently. Please excuse any mistakes as they practise these important skills :)

Thursday 7 March 2013



This week we did PE with mr Fourie. For the PE we practiced hockey. We had to practice with a puck or a tennis ball. The tennis ball was easier because it rolled. We did two tasks. One was we had to dribble through the cones. The last task was... one of your team mates had to go on the other end of the cones, then the other player had to pass the puck to the his/her team mate. Then the player that passed the puck chasd it. The other team mate smashed the puck to the next person in line. He/she would hand over the court hockey stick to the next player in line. When We were finished our rotation, there was still more time so we made two teams, and  had to try hit the cone with the puck. You got one point if you hit the cone. For two points you had to make the cone fall over. In the end it was a tie:3-3.

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